Motion Videos

All of these videos were done in Motion graphics class, between 2nd and 3rd year in college, for various projects. I used mainly After Effects and Premiere for these videos.

Drink Aware Project

This project was completed in third year to enter the competition. This is a creative campaign open to third-level students nationwide. 
I done three storyboards and choose the idea of the effects of too much alcohol. I sketched out all frames, edited in photoshop and brought it to life in after-effects. 
Water Safety.
For this motion I had to create a video in 10 seconds or less, to communicate a message using just isotypes about watersafety that can be understood by many people around the world with no language barriers. Many of these issues can be solved though visual means.
I first drew up 3 storyboards and decided to go with the concept of  ''Swim Between the Flags.'' Some isotypes were edited in illustrator and were then brought into AfterEffects.
After working on the E4 brand sting I found this project much easier to work with as I now had more understanding of the programs.
E4 Brand Sting.
This was my first major project in third year. I had to create an animation or stop motion video for channel E4's competition to create a new brand sting. 

I first came up with 3 storyboard ideas and chose to go with this animation. I first use illustrator to do up all the different scenes, then brought each illustation into Premiere. Minor details had to be changed to make it work in premiere. 
This is my final draft of the E4 sting for the moment, as I plan on changing the ending soon. 
This was a short exercise done at the start of my third year to get the class to know the basics of  Premiere.
A Story board was drawn up and images scanned into the computer. They were then edited in Photoshop and then brought into Premiere. 
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